CET-4CET-6TOEFL大英赛GREEssay Writing Structure(5 Paragraphs)IntroductionBody Paragraphs (Two of them)Concession Paragraph (Counterpoint)ConclusionOther tips范文First PointSecond PointConcessionConclusionThe Role of Individual Choice in Life OutcomesFirst PointSecond PointConcessionConclusion阅读双线阅读法——视角双线阅读法



The problem is…… I got to give it another run
The thing is, it is very difficult to improve my spoken English in a non-native environment. And I deem it stupid to spend more time on a subject which is almost saturated.
So, let it be.
Another run for TOEFL, and maybe another for GRE.
Then say GOODBYE to English! (at least for now)

Essay Writing Structure(5 Paragraphs)
- Hook
- Generalization, anecdote, interesting fact, trend, quote, etc.
- Introduces the topic (nothing more)
- Don't write your thesis or supporting idea here!
- Shift to prompt
- Makes your essay more cohesive (make it flow better)
- An abrupt shift to your thesis is awkward
- Thesis (most important part of the essay)
- This baby is the boss that controls everything
- The thesis exists on a spectrum:
- Strongly agree
- Mostly agree
- Neutral
- Mostly disagree
- Strongly disagree
- Greg recommends "mostly agree" or "mostly disagree"

- Outline(tells your reader how you’re going to structure your essay)
- Don't neglect this; academic readers like to know what's coming
- Tells reader how you're going to structure your essay
- Indicate how many reasons/examples you'll use
Body Paragraphs (Two of them)
- Topic sentence
- Introduces your first reason that supports your thesis
- Must introduce the overall idea of the paragraph (the "controlling" idea)
- Must support your thesis
- Acts as a mini thesis
- Example 1
- Need a good example, preferably from:
- History
- Politics
- Economics
- If needed, use a good hypothetical
- Avoid personal anecdotes ("Uncle Bob" stories)
- Example 2 (Optional)(Addition/Counter Example)
- Same rules apply as Example 1
- Benefits of including second example:
- Further develops the idea
- Increases word count
- Discourages "story telling"
- Development/Explanation
- Develop your idea
- Connect the reason to the thesis
- Explain why this matters
- 2-3 sentences of development is sufficient
Concession Paragraph (Counterpoint)
- Topic sentence
- Introduces a counterpoint to your thesis
- Reflects why you "mostly" agreed/disagreed
- Allows room for nuance
- Example 1
- Same rules as body paragraph examples
- Example 2 (Optional)
- Same rules apply
- Development/Explanation
- Same rules as body paragraph development
- Less critical but necessary
- Rephrase your thesis
- Summarize supporting ideas
- Wrap up the essay concisely
Other tips
- editing on the fly
- word count is important
- examples should be specific and have to match the reason

The past 20 years has engendered more human connectivity than all previous millennia of our species' existence. With so much change in such a short period of time, determining whether this phenomenon has been largely positive or negative is difficult, if not impossible. /The prompt takes the negative stance and argues that technological advancements have resulted in more harm than good./ In my opinion, I mostly disagree with this view and believe that technological progression has improved our connectivity and relationships for the following two reasons, though I do concede that recent advancements have unfortunately decreased our need for face-to-face connection.
First Point
First of all, technological advancement has resulted in more benefits for our inter-connectivity because, as a species, we are no longer constrained by distance. /For example, a Japanese exchange student studying in New York City can communicate with her mother in Tokyo easily and effectively at no charge using an application like Whats App or Facebook./ In the past, this same student would have had no choice but to send a letter (which might arrive three weeks later) or call long distance at an exorbitant rate of dollars per minute. The earth is massive, and even if one were travelling at the maximum speed of a commercial jetliner, it would take nearly 24 hours to travel from one end of the planet to another. However, technology has created a reality in which all of Earth’s 8 billion inhabitants are right next to each other, not longer constrained by distance in any meaningful way. The advantage of the leap cannot be overstated, from the way we interact with our families to the way we conduct business around the globe.
Second Point
Second of all, the progression of our technology has allowed not just for the ability to sustain our current relationships but also the capacity to form new ones and become part of distinct communities. For example, an individual from a small town in America might be partial to the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons and be able to cultivate this hobby by joining a local league in a larger town that he discovered on the Internet. Thirty years ago, this individual would have found it challenging to engage with this hobby and perhaps would never have pursued it given the difficulty in locating like-minded peers. Humans have an inherent need to be part of a tribe, to be part of a group that shares their interests and passions. Technology makes this possible, particularly for those individuals with niche hobbies that are not necessarily shared by those closest to them. Such freedom of expression has led to millions of people thriving in life and finding their true callings.
However, I do concede that technology has led to the unfortunate consequence of people no longer feeling the need for face-to-face interaction. For example, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, millions (perhaps billions) of workers around the globe no longer deem it necessary to go to their office and meet their co-workers on a personal level. Instead, they can simply use a video conferencing app like Zoom or Google Meet. In addition, the phenomenon of "video dating" is becoming increasingly popular, where a date is conducted entirely online rather than at a coffee shop or restaurant. As referenced above, humans are extremely social animals. We have an instinctual need to be around other humans. Multiple studies have shown that if a human is deprived of contact with other members of the species, a host of physical and mental consequences result. Technology in some ways is undermining this evolutionary need, one that has been with us for hundreds of thousands of years. It is possible that we can adjust to the new paradigm, but it's doubtful that this adjustment can occur at the same rate of technological process. It is no surprise that we are seeing rising depression and anxiety around the world, even as our standards of living improve.
In conclusion, while it is true that technological progress has eroded some of our connectivity, particularly our face-to-face interaction, the benefits of no longer being constrained by distance and being able to form connections with like-minded people clearly outweigh the cons.
The Role of Individual Choice in Life Outcomes
The debate between environmental determinism and individual agency has persisted throughout human history. While some argue that our circumstances entirely shape our destiny, the prompt suggests that individual choices play no significant role in life outcomes. I disagree with this deterministic view and believe that personal choices substantially influence our life trajectories, though I acknowledge that external constraints do pose real challenges.
First Point
First and foremost, historical evidence demonstrates that individuals can transcend their circumstances through conscious choices and determined action. For example, during World War II, Anne Frank chose to maintain hope and document her experiences despite being confined in extremely oppressive conditions. Her diary not only helped her process trauma but also became a powerful testament to human resilience that has inspired millions. Similarly, Helen Keller, born both deaf and blind, made the conscious decision to learn and communicate, ultimately becoming an accomplished author and political activist. These cases illustrate that even under severe limitations, individual choice can significantly shape outcomes.
Second Point
Secondly, modern research in psychology and neuroscience supports the impact of individual agency on life outcomes. Studies show that people who adopt a "growth mindset" - believing in their ability to develop and improve - consistently outperform those with fixed mindsets, regardless of initial circumstances. For instance, a 2020 Stanford study found that students from disadvantaged backgrounds who cultivated a growth mindset improved their academic performance by 31% compared to control groups. This demonstrates how our chosen attitudes and responses to challenges can substantially influence our achievements.
However, I must acknowledge that external factors do create significant constraints on individual choice. Socioeconomic background, access to education, and systemic inequalities can severely limit available options. For example, a child born into poverty may face numerous obstacles in accessing quality education or healthcare, regardless of their personal motivation. Recent studies indicate that zip code remains one of the strongest predictors of life expectancy and income potential in many countries. These structural barriers cannot be dismissed and require systematic societal solutions.
In conclusion, while external constraints undeniably influence our life paths, the evidence suggests that individual choices still play a crucial role in determining outcomes. The combination of historical examples and modern research demonstrates that personal agency, while not unlimited, remains a powerful force in shaping our destinies. The key lies in recognizing both the reality of constraints and the potential for individual choice to create meaningful change within those boundaries.
- 保持了原范文的清晰四部分结构
- 每个论点都配有具体例证
- 使用了正式的学术语言
- 包含了让步段落,展现了辩证思维
- 结论部分平衡了两方面观点
- 更清晰的主题句
- 更具体的例证
- 加入了研究数据支持
- 改进了过渡句
- 使用了更专业的措辞

- 区分视角
- 视角的意义
- 区分方式
视角区分词:eg consensus/unanimity

- 先看功能,再看信息
- 通过句间逻辑词判断句子功能,对句子的内容进行预判
- 当一个句子没有明确的逻辑关系词,一般是对上一句的进一步说明
- 分析完毕后,梳理全文框架
- 影响全文走向的其实就是前两句话

- GRE阅读的核心不是考察词汇而是考察逻辑

discursive,离题的;与C rambling相近
- 作者:Z_cosy
- 链接:https://tangly1024.com/article/english
- 声明:本文采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议,转载请注明出处。