- 高频注入信号的选择
- 10%转子电压
Finally, since the grid voltage normally exhibits a significant harmonic content, the high-frequency signal on the stator has to be located such that no interference occurs at the locations at which these harmonics occur. Since the position of the 8th harmonic (480 Hz in the U.S.) is vacant in a three-phase system, this frequency is chosen to be injected on the rotor. As a result, the measured high-frequency signal on the stator will be 540 Hz (the 9th harmonic) at synchronous speed and will be limited between 558 and 522 Hz (assuming that the speed of the DFIM is limited between 0.7 and 1.3 p.u.).
The frequency and voltage of the injected high-frequency signal are 480 Hz and 10% of the magnitude of the rotor voltage, respectively.
- 转子侧PWM产生高频注入信号
- 信号注入转子绕组
- 信号处理(Signal Processing)
- BPF(Band Pass Filter)如何设计?
- PLL锁相环(不会调参数、不过应该是技术性问题,花点时间学学就好)
- 因为滤波产生的相位落后的补偿角 如何求解?
中心频率应该需要设在 ,带宽设计多少?